Expression and Statement Groups

1. General Expression

Numbers, Variables, Math Functions, Functions Table, Distribution Functions, XSUB(), and Name Functions (i.e., RES(), ENT(), LOC()).

2. Arrays

Arrays of any dimension.

3. Location Attributes

Referencing a location attribute in any expression or assigning to a location attribute.

4. Entity-Specific System Functions and Attributes

Entity(), GroupQty(), ResQty().

5. General System Functions

Cap(), CalDay(), CalDom(), CalHour(), CalMin(),CalMonth(), CalYear(), Clock(), Contents(), DownQty(), Entries(), FreeCap(), FreeUnits(), OwnedResource(), TimesUsed(), Units(), and Variable().

6. Location-Specific System Function


7. Resource-Specific System Function


8. Node Logic-Specific System Functions

Last(), Next(). (The Last function is valid only in Node Entry Logic and the Next function is valid only in Node Exit Logic.)

9. Downtime-Specific System Function


10. Shift-Specific System Functions

ForLocation(), ForResource().

11. Preemption Logic-Specific System Functions

Preemptor(), TimeLeft().

12. Off-Shift & Break Logic-Specific System Functions & Statements

DTLeft(), Priority, and Skip.

13. Cost Functions & Statements

GetCost(), GetResRate(), IncEntCost, IncLocCost, and IncResCost.

14. General Statements: (Run-Time Only)

Activate, Animate, Assignment, Begin End, Break, BreakBLK, Close, Comment(#,
//, /*...*/), Debug, Dec, Display, Do...Until, Do...While, Goto, If...Then/If...Then...Else, Inc, Int, Local Variable, Log, MapArr, Order, Pause, Prompt, Read, Real, Reset, Reset Stats, Return, Report, Send, SetRate, Stop, String Expressions, Sound, Trace, View, WarmUp, While...Do, and Write/Writeline/XWrite. (You may not use the Log statement in Initialization or Termination Logic.)

15. Operation Statements (Group 1)

Accum, Combine, Create, Group, Join, Load, Match, Move, Rename, Route, Split As, Ungroup, and Unload.

16. Operation Statements (Group 2)

Free, Get, Jointly Get, and Use.

17. Operation Statements (Group 3)


18. Move Logic-Specific Statements

Move For, Move On, and Move With.

19. External Spreadsheet File

Entity Location Expression File.

20. Graphic Statement


21. Wait Until Statement

Wait until.